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For editors

Modern and efficient tools to control the publication process at every stage

Daily routine work often takes up too much time for editors, which prevents them from exercising timely control over important stages of the publishing process. 

What we offer editors with "Alexandrina": 

  • a modern platform to manage all the processes of publishing a scientific journal with flexible functionalities;
  • building a system of automatic notifications;
  • communication with all participants of the process (reviewers, authors and other editors) within one platform using individual and group chats; 
  • setting automated tasks and deadlines;
  • automatic layout;
  • customisable selection of necessary citation styles; 
  • convenient work with formulas, which are automatically converted to Latex format;

Our benefits for editors:

  • unified editorial process, efficient management of reviewing, editing and publishing articles within the platform;
  • assignment of reviewers and statistics on review quality;
  • exporting articles to PDF, HTML and XML JATS formats at the click of a button, generating publication-ready versions with automatic layout and generation of required formats.

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