Связаться с нами

We create open and accessible science for all

Our Mission

A comprehensive solution for the development of scholarly peer-reviewed open access journals. Our modular software makes your publishing operations simply and efficiently.

We help publishers of absolutely any size to create, develop and promote scientific journals and books to various databases. The most user-friendly modern publishing tools allow to find the best solutions based on the needs of each publisher.

We help to create, develop and promote scientific journals and books to various databases for publishers of absolutely any scale.

Our team

Sofia Novikova
Sofia Novikova
Linar Khabibullin
Linar Khabibullin
Alexey Saraev
Alexey Saraev
Full-stack developer
Ivan Afanasyev
Ivan Afanasyev
Backend developer
Ekaterina Tugusheva
Ekaterina Tugusheva
Frontend developer
Reshetilova Yana
Reshetilova Yana
Lead marketing manager

Become part of the Alexandrina community

For editors

Join our community to learn more about the latest trends in scholarly publishing, as well as receive useful resources on journal promotion and development.
Learn more /partnership/for-editors/

For authors

Each Author, as a full participant of the publishing process, will find useful information about article preparation, and will be able to send works to high-quality and verified journals created on our platform.
Learn more /partnership/for-authors/

For reviewers

Whether you are just starting as a reviewer or you are already an experienced reviewer, you always find relevant and necessary information on the review process in our community.
Learn more /partnership/for-reviewers/

For publishers

We are ready to cooperate with publishers of any size, because our solution allows to implement personalised offers based on the needs of your publishing house. Besides, we offer special conditions for regular partners.
Learn more /partnership/for-publishers/