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For authors

High-level scientific publications and a transparent publication process

Platform "Alexandrina" has the advantages in use not only for publishers and editors, but also for authors submitting their manuscripts for publication. Often one can face the problem of too complicated and overloaded submission form or sending an article by mail, where some of the information is lost, letters get into spam, and there is a risk to lose the necessary information or not to give a response on time. 

So, our system is useful for authors for some reasons:

  • the whole working process and communication with all the participants are on one platform: notifications about the progress of publication come within the platform and are duplicated by email alerts;  
  • there is a possibility to joint and to edit the manuscript with editors, reviewers and other authors at the same time: all corrections and the person making them are visible in one working place; 
  • export of the manuscript in Word format; the platform automatically translates formulas, tables, figures and graphs into the necessary formats for further work. For example, all formulas from Word are automatically converted to Latex format, which means there is no need to format them before submitting the article to the editorial office; 
  • the assurance that scientific papers published in journals on the Alexandrina platform will have good visibility for readers thanks to SEO optimisation; 
  • the opportunity to use the scientific editing service, editing, translation and design services of experts.